Entertop WP - General Userguide

How to access Ninja Forms

Log in to your WordPress website. When you’re logged in, you will be in your ‘Dashboard’. On the left-hand side, you will see a menu. In that menu, click on ‘Ninja Forms’ then click “Dashboard” More guide at https://ninjaforms.com/learn/

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How to add a new WordPress admin user

Log in to your WordPress website. When you’re logged in, you will be in your ‘Dashboard’. Click on ‘Users’. On the left-hand side, you will see a menu. In that menu, click on ‘Users’. Click ‘Add New’. Across the top, click the ‘Add New’ button. Fill out the form and set the role to Administrator.…

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How to Create a Mega Menu

From the WordPress admin panel, click Appearance > Menus. 2. In the upper right corner, click Screen Options and make sure the CSS Classes checkbox is selected. 3. Scroll down to your menu items and open the top-level menu item whose nested menu items you would like to turn into a mega menu. In the…

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How to add image slide show

Step 1: Go to Entertop WPStep 2: Click on + button, then drag and drop Slideshow to the position you want Step 3: Click on Add Photos or Edit Gallery to upload the photosStep 4: Click SaveStep 5: Click Done, then click PublishStep 6: Done

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How to change submenu Background Color when menu appears outside header area

Menu background color or image is set separately in Customize > Header > Nav Style.

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How to set menu background colour

Step 1: Click on Appearance, then click Customize Step 2: Click on Header, then click Nav StyleStep 3: Select the background colorStep 4: Click Publish, then click X

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How to set the top header

Step 1: Click Appearance, then click on Customize Step 2: Click on Header, then click on Top Bar LayoutStep 3: Change the LayoutStep 4: Insert the html code into the text boxStep 5: Click on Publish, then click X

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How to set the logo beside menu

Step 1: Click on Appearance, then click on Customize Step 2: Click on Header, then click on Header LayoutStep 3: Change the layout to Nav RightStep 4: Click Publish then click X

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How to edit WP social chat

Step 1: Click on WP Social ChatStep 2: Click on ButtonStep 3: Edit the style and setting of the social chat buttonStep 4: Click Save Add more than 1 contactsStep 1: Click on WP Social ChatStep 2: Click on ContactsStep 3: Click on + ContactStep 4: Click Save Step 5: Click on BoxStep 6: Click…

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Add an icon to a menu item

It’s easy to add a Font Awesome 5 icon to appear as a nav menu item. The icon can replace menu text or appear before or after menu text. This works in all of the following cases: Any nav menu item in EntertopWP Theme Any theme that has Font Awesome enqueuedSee the note below to…

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